Soak sun dried tomatoes in ¼ cup olive oil.
On an open flame on your stove top, roast the red pepper until the skin is charred and black. (if you dont have a gas stove top, roast the bell pepper at 450° in an oven for 15 minutes)
Peel the charred skin off of the roasted bell pepper.
In a food processor, blend the roasted red pepper, oil soaked tomatoes, and garlic until fully chopped. (it'll be chunky)
Add the pine nuts, black pepper, and salt and blitz again. (it'll still be chunky)
Add the grated parmesan, basil, and crushed red pepper and blitz once again. (still sort of chunky)
Turn on the food processor (or blender) and continuously stream in the remaining ½ cup of olive oil.
Blend for a solid minute.
Add salt to taste and enjoy!
Let cool fully before storing in an air tight glass jar in the fridge.