Hotteok (Sweet Korean Stuffed Pancakes)

Hotteok is a Korean style sweet pancake that is stuffed with cinnamon sugar and walnuts! Made with a simple yeasted dough and can be stuffed with any flavor of your choosing!

Hotteok (Sweet Korean Stuffed Pancakes)

One variety of Korean ‘pancakes’ is Hotteok which is stuffed with a sweet, nutty filling. Another is called jeon a vegetable pancake we can explore later!

Hotteok (Sweet Korean Stuffed Pancakes) cooking

There are store bought dough mixes you can buy for hotteok if you want to use them, but it’s more likely that you’ll have instant yeast on hand than an Asian market near you that carries it.

The dough is really simple to make and requires little kneading. For those of you that have a stand mixer you can set them aside for the recipe! You’ll just need a large bowl and a wooden spoon!

Mix your flour, sugar, and salt together and add in the yeasted water and stir with the wooden spoon. It should look like this.

Dough, pre oil

Add the oil and mix properly. Roll the dough into a ball and place into greased bowl, cover with greased plastic wrap. Let set for an hour at room temperature while it rises. (it’s okay for the dough to be sticky)

Dough, post rise

Once the dough rises, it should look like this. Punch the air down and turn the dough out onto a floured work surface. (Add the 1/8 cup of flour I said to reserve in the recipe instructions)

Knead or fold that flour into the dough until the dough is smooth. Then cut the dough into four even pieces and roll those in to balls. Cover with the plastic wrap and set aside while you prepare the filling. Make sure you finely chop your walnuts and then measure out the required tablespoon.

Dough, with filling

Using your hands, flatten the balls to be a little larger than the size of your palm. Then press down the sides of the dough so the perimeter of the dough is thinner than the center. Then scoop the filling evenly between the four flattened dough balls.

To seal and roll the dough, bring four points of the dough together and pinch shut. Then bring the rest of the dough together and roll between your palms.

Place the hotteok balls aside and heat up some neutral oil on a pan. You just want a thin layer of oil on the pan. We are very shallow frying these. Make sure the oil is hot and shimmering before you place the hotteok in there. Place the hotteok in the pan (the oil should sizzle) depending on the size of the pan you may only be able to fit one or two in there. Be sure to leave space for when you flatten them.

Cook the hotteok for about a minute to a minute and a half, or until the dough is a crispy golden brown.

Hotteok, cooking

Once you flip the hotteok, grab a  flat spatula, a burger flipper, or something like that as well as a heavy handled spoon. Place the flat spatula on the dough and use the wooden handle to push on the spatula to flatten the dough. It should be flat like a disc.

Then cook for another minute to minute and half. Flip one more time and cook until the rest of the dough is golden brown. Place the finished hotteok on a bed of paper towels to absorb any grease.

Enjoy the hotteok warm! But be careful not to burn yourself, the filling can be very hot.

Hotteok (Sweet Korean Stuffed Pancakes)

If you enjoy these sweet Korean stuffed pancakes, you can enjoy Hotteok with any type of filling! A friend of mine suggested using pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds! You can also do nutella or mozzarella cheese.

Hotteok (Sweet Korean Stuffed Pancakes)

Hotteok is a Korean style sweet pancake that is stuffed with cinnamon sugar and walnuts! Made with a simple yeasted dough and can be stuffed with any flavor of your choosing!
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Rising Time1 hour
Course: Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine: Asian, Korean
Servings: 4 Hotteok
Calories: 180kcal



  • ½ Cup Water Lukewarm (95°-110°F)
  • ½ tsp Instant Yeast
  • Cup All Purpose Flour plus ⅛ for flouring surface and kneading
  • ½ Tbsp Sugar
  • tsp Kosher Salt
  • ½ Tbsp Vegetable Oil


  • ¼ Cup Dark Brown Sugar
  • ½ tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 Tbsp Walnut, Finely Chopped
  • Vegetable Oil for cooking


  • Mix together the water and yeast. Set aside while you prep the other ingredients.
  • In a large bowl, mix together the flour, white granulated sugar, and kosher salt.
  • Add the yeast water to the dry ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon.
  • Add the vegetable oil to the dough and mix properly. It will be sticky but keep mixing!
  • Roll the dough into a ball and place into a greased bowl and cover with cling wrap.
  • Place the dough aside in a warm/room temperature room for an hour as it rises.
  • Once the dough has risen for an hour, punch the gases out of it and roll onto a floured work surface (use the ⅛ cup of flour for this).
  • Knead the flour into the dough until fully incorporated and the dough feels smooth. It's okay for it to be sticky.
  • Cut the dough into four equal sized lumps and cover with the cling wrap you used earlier. Set aside while you mix the filling and chop the nuts.
  • Finely chop the walnuts and then measure out a tablespoon of them. Mix with the cinnamon and dark brown sugar.
  • Flatten each of the dough balls slightly in the palm of your hands and then evenly add the stuffing between the four dough pieces.
  • Refer to the photos above on how to seal the dough balls. Set them aside.
  • Depending on the size of your pans, use enough vegetable oil to thinly cover the bottom of whatever pan you're using. It can be cast iron, enameled cast iron, nonstick, etc. Let it heat up until shimmering.
  • Place one or two of your dough balls in the pan (the pan should sizzle). Make sure there's enough room in the pan for the balls to expand as you flatten them.
  • Let the balls cook for about a minute to a minute and a half or until the dough is golden, crispy brown.
  • Flip the dough and take a flat spatula, a burger flipper, or something like that as well as a heavy handled spoon. Place the flat spatula on the dough and use the wooden handle to push on the spatula to flatten the dough. It should be flat like a disc.
  • Cook the hotteok for another minute to minute and half, or until its golden crispy brown.
  • Flip the hotteok one more time and let the rest of it cook before removing from the pan and placing on some paper towels.
  • Enjoy warm! If you want to make ahead and reheat, you can heat them up on a pan or in a toaster oven!

Easy Sandwich Loaf Bread

Once you start making this easy sandwich loaf bread, you’ll never want to buy the store bought stuff ever again! It’s slightly sweet and toasts to the perfect crunch!

Easy Sandwich Loaf Bread

This easy sandwich loaf bread recipe is a perfect introduction to the art of bread making! It’s a versatile bread so it surely won’t last long in any household!

I make this recipe using my stand mixer, but I will walk through how to make the bread without one. For home cooks that are trying to bake casually, I would recommend using a stand mixer if you have one just out of convenience and efficiency.

It’s key to ensure that your milk and water (and any liquid you use to bloom yeast) is at a ‘lukewarm’ temperature. This is usually between 95 and 110 F. Anything lower won’t activate the yeast properly and anything higher runs the risk of killing it.

Mix thoroughly and allow the yeast to bloom for around 8 – 10 minutes before you use it. Measure out your other ingredients while the yeast is blooming. Do keep in mind that your butter should be room temperature and soft to the touch.

If you’re using a stand mixer to mix the dough, fit on the dough hook attachment and start by mixing the dry ingredients together. Slowly drizzle in the yeast mixture and continue mixing until the dough comes together. Add in the butter a tablespoon at a time until fully incorporated.

If you’re doing this without a stand mixer, you’ll want to mix the yeast mixture into the dry ingredients with a wooden spoon. Mix until the dough looks like this


When you’re adding the butter, the dough will become sticky you can add a few sprinkles of flour to help but I would be cautious of adding too much. Once the butter is in, you can turn the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead until smooth.

Place in a oiled boil and cover with greased plastic wrap. Let rest for an hour to hour and half or until doubled in size.

Punch the dough out and work any air bubbles out as you roll the dough out into a rectangle. Then fold the dough over itself into thirds across the long side.

Then roll the folded dough out again so the short side of the dough matches the length of your loaf tin. Tightly roll the dough onto itself so it can rest in your loaf pan. There will be holes in your bread if it’s not rolled tightly enough (my bread rose too much so there’s an air pocket in the center of the loaf).

Place the log in a prepped loaf tin and cover with another loaf tin, let rise for about an hour and bake at 350 for 35 to 40 minutes!

Let your easy sandwich loaf bread cool fully before slicing!

Easy Sandwich Loaf Bread
Easy Sandwich Loaf Bread
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Easy Sandwich Loaf Bread

Once you start making this easy sandwich loaf bread, you'll never want to buy the store bought stuff ever again! It's slightly sweet and toasts to the perfect crunch!
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time35 minutes
Rising Time2 hours
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Servings: 12 Slices
Calories: 120kcal


  • Standard Loaf Tin


  • ¾ Cup Lukewarm Water (95°-110° F)
  • ½ Cup Lukewarm Milk (95°-110° F) (preferably whole milk)
  • tsp Instant Yeast
  • 3 Cups All Purpose Flour
  • tsp Fine Sea Salt (grind your kosher salt if you have kosher)
  • 1 tbsp Granulated Sugar
  • 3 tbsp Unsalted Butter, room temperature


  • Mix together the lukewarm water and sprinkle the instant yeast on top. Stir and set aside for ten minutes to let the yeast bloom.
  • Mix together the flour, salt, and sugar in large bowl. (Stand mixer bowl if you're using one)
  • (Fit the stand mixer with the dough hook or use a larger bowl and a wooden spoon if you don't have one) Add the yeast, milk, and water mixture to the bowl and mix on a low speed until incorporated. (this will take a few minutes with a mixer, and more time by spoon)
  • Add a tablespoon of butter at a time to the mixture until full incorporated. Once fully incorporated mix for 30 seconds more. (If you're doing this by hand, put the dough on a floured work surface a knead the butter into the dough. Work until the dough is smooth.
  • Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl and cover with greased plastic wrap. Let sit at room temperature for about an hour and half or until the dough doubles in size (make sure it doubles, if you live in a colder or less humid climate this may take longer)
  • Once the dough doubles in size, punch the air out and place onto a floured work surface. Make sure you punch any air pockets out.
  • Roll the dough into a large rectangle and fold into thirds across the long side. (refer to photos)
  • Roll that out into another rectangle where the short side is the length of your loaf pan.
  • Start from the side of your dough that matches the length of the load pans and Tightly roll your dough into a log.
  • Place in a greased and floured loaf tin and cover with another loaf tin, let rest for about an hour at room temperature or until doubled in size.
  • Bake at 350° for 35 – 40 minutes. Let cool for ten minutes until removing from loaf pan and let cool fully on a wire rack.

Moist Pumpkin Spice Bread

A classic, generations old, old fashioned recipe for pumpkin bread! Super Moist Pumpkin Spice Bread is just as its name says: soft, sweet, and perfectly seasoned!

super moist pumpkin spice bread

OK – I’m just going to say it. I used to be anti pumpkin everything. Anti pumpkin lattes, anti pumpkin bread, and definitely anti pumpkin pie. (I know, I know – that might anger some of you).
But ever since I met my husband, pumpkin has started to grow on me and it’s because of Super Moist Pumpkin Spice Bread!

Super Moist Pumpkin Spice Bread

Well, kind of! My husband likes pumpkin bread but used to only eat box mix. That’s fine, not really an issue since I never had a recipe for pumpkin bread.

That is until I was digging through a recipe book my husband’s mom gave me and voila! A pumpkin spice bread recipe. And it’s his great grandmother’s recipe no less!

This recipe is super easy and super tasty!

It’s important to make sure your ground spices are always the freshest they can be. If not, they lose flavor and potency. If you think you might not use all of your spices before they reach that point, I urge you all to buy the smaller containers of spices.

pumpkin spice dry and wet separated

Generally, it’s best to make sure your ingredients are room temperature, even your eggs. This helps your pastries get fluffier! (There are some instances where a recipe may call for cold ingredients, it’s best to follow what’s specified in the recipe).

super moist pumpkin spice bread mixed

When you buy your canned pumpkin, make sure there isn’t any added sugar and that you’re getting 100% pure pumpkin. Above all else, I am a Libby’s fan. It is by far the BEST puree, the most flavorful, and with the most vibrant colors.

vibrant orange color

Next, line your loaf tins as the picture below shows and you’ll make your life so much easier when it comes to removing the bread from the pans after they bake.

This bread, like banana bread, is best eaten fully cooled. Remove the bread from the tins after a few minutes to speed up the cooling process.

cooled super moist pumpkin spice bread

Enjoy your Super Moist Pumpkin Spice Bread on its own or with my Cinnamon Whipped Cream!

pumpkin spice bread

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Moist Pumpkin Spice Bread

A classic, generations old, old – fashioned recipe for pumpkin bread! This Super Moist Pumpkin Spice Bread is just as its name says, it's soft, sweet, and perfectly seasoned!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
Course: Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine: American
Servings: 20 Slices
Calories: 230kcal


  • 2 Standard Size Loaf Tins (approx 8½ in by 4½ in)


  • ¾ Cup Vegetable Oil
  • ½ Cup Water
  • 15 oz Canned Pumpkin Puree (1 15 oz can or 1½ cup)
  • 3 Large Eggs
  • Cups All Purpose Flour
  • Cups White Sugar
  • tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp Kosher Salt
  • tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • tsp Ground Ginger
  • tsp Ground Nutmeg
  • tsp Vanilla Extract


  • Preheat oven to 350°. Lightly grease and line two standard size loaf tins with parchment paper.
  • In a large bowl mix together the sugar, flour, baking soda, kosher salt, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.
  • In a second bowl mix together the vegetable oil, water, canned pumpkin, eggs, and vanilla extract.
  • Create a well in the first bowl and pour in the wet ingredients. Mix well.
  • Pour batter evenly between the two loaf tins and bake for about 60 minutes.
  • Every oven is different so check the bread every 5 minutes starting at the 55 minute mark. This bread could even take 65 minutes to bake.
  • You'll know the bread is done when a toothpick placed in the center of the loaf comes out clean.

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Hotteok (Sweet Korean Stuffed Pancakes)

Hotteok is a Korean style sweet pancake that is stuffed with cinnamon sugar and walnuts! Made with a simple yeasted dough and can be stuffed with any flavor of your choosing!

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